It may not always be easy to get to church with your children, but we want you to know we’re glad you’re here.
Your whole family is welcomed and celebrated at Tab: whether you’re crying or happy; whether you’re upset or well behaved. This applies to children as well as adults. The presence of children in worship is a welcomed part of being in Tab’s community.
Children are welcome to participate in all aspects of worship. This includes sharing joys and concerns, offering, prayers and communion. Most Sundays there is a special time for children in the service when an adult shares a story or a lesson. We end with a song together.
Here are some examples of how families worship together at Tabernacle.
- Some children go to the nursery from the beginning of worship.
- Some children are with their families for the beginning of worship and then go to Sunday school or the nursery afterward.
- Some children stay with their families during all of worship.
If you have any questions about children in worship, please talk to the pastor or the greeters.